Bush Lake ChapterIzaak Walton League of America |
Current Bush Lake Chapter members can rent rack storage for canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards (additional $90/year), if space is available.If you are interested in renting a watercraft storage rack, please email your interest to bushlakeikes@gmail.com.If the racks are fully rented, current Bush Lake Chapter members can be added to the Rack Waitlist, by emailing bushlakeikes@gmail.com and let us know if you have a canoe, kayak or paddleboard.Regarding canoe rack rental - another option on Bush Lake are the City's Canoe Racks at West Bush Lake Park - find more info here: https://www.bloomingtonmn.gov/pr/rentals-and-reservations Any Bush Lake Chapter member who rents a watercraft rack from the Chapter agrees to the following: Agreement for Storage of Canoe/Kayak/Paddleboard: __ Applicant shall pay to the Chapter, in addition to his / her chapter membership fee, a $90 craft storage rental fee for a single rack. __ Only non-motorized watercraft (canoe, kayak & paddleboard), that can be loaded by hand onto the Chapter’s storage racks, can be stored on-site. __ A current Minnesota License must be affixed properly to the craft when on Chapter property, if a watercraft is required to be licensed by Minnesota state law (License Renewal info here: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/licenses/online-sales.html) - any watercraft greater than 10-feet in length must be licensed, - inflatable paddleboards that are greater than 10-feet must be licensed. __ Applicant agrees to store watercraft only in the assigned rack location. __ Applicant can store more than one watercraft on their rented rack slot as long as these watercraft do not impinge on the use/access to any neighboring rack slot, does not cause damage to the racks, and the Chapter is first notified with identification details of these watercraft. __ Applicant agrees to adequately secure craft at both the front and rear, to prevent dislodging in high winds. If dislodging / damage occurs, damage to other canoes/kayaks will be considered the liability of the craft owner who failed to adequately secure canoe/kayak at both ends. __ Applicant agrees to store watercraft only in a way that will prevent the watercraft from pooling rainwater, which can lead to weight damage on the racks. If applicant chooses to wrap their watercraft to protect from weather exposure, this must be with an appropriate watercraft storage bag (labeled on exterior with Applicant’s last name) and not wrapped with a standard tarp. __ Applicant agrees to assume all risks incident to or in connection with the rental and use of the canoe rack/storage and shall be solely responsible for all accidents or injuries of any kind. __ Applicant further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the IWLA, Bush Lake Chapter, and officers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses resulting from the rental and use of the canoe rack / storage according to this agreement. __ Applicant agrees to allow application of rental-year permit sticker and last name sticker (for owner identification) to be applied to canoe/kayak/paddleboard. If any of these conditions are not followed by the Chapter Member, the privilege of this watercraft rack rental can be rescinded, and the watercraft must be removed within 30 days of notification from the Chapter. If the watercraft is not removed by the owner/renter within 30 days, the Chapter can remove the watercraft from the rack and notify the owner/renter in writing, with details for retrieval. By paying the craft storage rack rental fee, the renter agrees to fully abide by all of these conditions. EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE WATERCRAFT STORAGE BAGS: For Kayaks/Canoes 16-feet or less |